
1. |
Two Way, Double Deck ,
Flush , Non - Reversible
Stringer Pallet. |
two way entry pallet has
bottom boards to permit
transporter and forklift truck
handling. The wider spacing
on the bottom of the boards
is utilized to reduce
amount of lumber and weight
while at the same
retaining the physical ad -
vantages of double decker
pallets. |
pallet or skid is usually
classified as a stringer pallet.
Single deck means the pallet
has only top deck boards
and the term non - reversible
indicates that they cannot be
used properly when turned
upside down. Often referred to
as skids, which are pallets with
no bottom deck boards, they
are the most economic pallet
to build and take up
space because they can be
interlocked or nested during
storage. They are usefu l for
dense concentrated loads
when bottom deck boards are
not essential and typical uses
include dairy, paper, brick, sod
and certain building materials
that are not
subject to
crushing failure. |

2. |
Two Way, Single Deck ,
Flush , Non-Reversible,
Stringer Pallet. |

3. |
Two Way, Double Deck ,
Flush , Non-Reversible
Stringer Pallet. |
stringer pallet has deck
boards spaced identically on
the top and bottom which
permits the pallets
to be
reversed. It contains more
wood than other styles and is
thus very stiff. The bottom
deck assists in distributing the
bearing forces and so this type
of pallet is often utilized with
loads that are susceptible to
crushing failures . They can
only be handled with forklift
trucks. |
partial four way entry
stringer pallet is the most
common in North America. It
is versatile, permitting four
way handling with fork lifts
and two way handling with
pallet trucks or transporters. |

4. |
Partial Four Way, Double
Deck , Flush , Non-Reversible
Stringer Pallet. |

5. |
Two Way, Single Deck
Single Wing , Stringer Pallet. |
two way entry, single deck ,
single wing , non - reversible
stringer pallet consists of top
deck boards that
beyond the stringers and are
designed for use with straddle
forklift trucks, cargo slings , bars
as well as conventional forklift
trucks and transporters. They
permit use of narrower aisles in
warehouses where
material handling equipment is
available. An added feature of
the wing is that it can assist in
the securing of stretch wrap
when applied to unit loads. |
pallet is similar to the two
way, single deck , wing style,
however with the addition of
bottom deck boards they are
much stiffer and thus more
durable. In this style, the top
deck boards extend over the
outside edge of both inside
stringers ( the wing ) while the
bottom deck boards remain
flush with the stringer edges. |

6. |
Two Way, Double Deck ,
Single Wing , Non Reversible
Stringer Pallet. |

7. |
Two Way Double Deck ,
Double Wing , Reversible
Stringer Type Pallet. |
two way design , double
wing pallet is reversible and
thus has the same amount of
top and bottom deck boards.
Due to the extension of the
deck boards beyond the
stringers, it is often referred
to as the strongest pallet
design. |
pallets are the most
common style of pallets used
in Europe and their use in
North America is increasing.
The vast majority of block
pallets have nine blocks
which are located at the four
corners, mid way across the
width , and at the geometric
centre of the pallet. Due to
the fact that they allow for lift
truck fork and transport entry
in all directions , they are
referred to as full 4 way. |

8. |
Full Four Way, Double Deck ,
Flush , Non Reversible Block
Pallets. |
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